College to Career.
Find your path with Career Services.
Career Exploration
This requires a code. The FREE code is available in Handshake under Career Center > Resources.
Job Search Preparation
We can help you draft a resume and cover letter that will display your education, skills, and grab employers' attention.
Our career counselors do one on one mock interviews with students. Receive positive critiques that help shake your nerves before your real interview!
We also have our online resource - Big Interview
Sometimes it's not what you know, but who you know.
Our office can help you make connections with companies and employers to build your network.
We post all employment opportunities on our online job database, Handshake. Here you are able to:
- Search jobs in the category of your liking (jobs, on campus student employment, or internships).
- Get more information about the job(s) you are interested in. Details can including salary, qualifications, description, work schedule and location.
- Learn how to apply for the job of your choosing.
- Create and save a search
We do not place students in a job, we only provide information about job availability. It is up to the student to apply and follow up with the position.
Jobs classified as “On Campus Student Employment” are available to any and all students. These jobs vary in salary, but most pay minimum wage. These jobs are located on campus, usually in departments, and you are limited to working 20 hours per week. Jobs located on campus are very desirable for students because of the convenience of location, and general flexibility. Job Location and Development services only as a referral service and it not responsible for any problems incurred as a result of such job referral.
Jobs classified as “Job, Part-time” are available to any and all students. These jobs are located off campus and also vary in salary, beginning at minimum wage. The benefits of working off campus are a higher salary, and more working hours (you are not limited to 20 hours per week). There are a tremendous amount of employment opportunities in the community, everything from babysitting to clerical work and manual labor to food service. Job Location and Development services only as a referral service and it not responsible for any problems incurred as a result of such job referral.
Odd Jobs are temporary positions. Employers and residents contact the JLD office looking for candidates. An email is sent out to all students. Students are required to contact the employer by preferred method. These positions usually last no longer than a week although in some cases the student can make it a continued position. Odd jobs are a great way to earn quick cash. Job Location and Development services only as a referral service and it not responsible for any problems incurred as a result of such job referral.
Work-study is a federally funded program that provides universities with money for students who qualify based on financial need. This program allows students to gain valuable work experience, on campus, that helps fund their education while working towards their degree. Job Location and Development services only as a referral service and it not responsible for any problems incurred as a result of such job referral.
Four Steps to Work-Study
- Apply for work-study in the Financial Aid Office in Kennard-Washington Hall, room 101
- Students will receive a letter that states how much assistance they have been awarded. Students can also check award status in SOAR.
- Search Handshake, our online job database, by clicking on the Handshake icon on the home page and then Student Login. You can also access the Handshake Student Login at the top of this page.
- Jobs classified as “work-study” are only available to those students who have received a work-study award. You may also inquire within departments on campus to find work-study jobs.
Once hired, the department that hires you will need to complete a hiring Personnel Action Form (PAF) and obtain two signatures (Budget Authority & Dean/Chair/Director). The department should check mark “Work Study” at the top of the Personnel Action Form in order to inform HR that the student is being hired on Work Study. The student will then bring the PAF to HR and complete an I-9 form, on or before your first day of employment. You will also need to bring your bank information along with a photo ID proving identity AND proof of citizenship, to Human Resources on the 3rd floor of McLemore Hall.
Proof of identity could be one of the following:
Driver’s license
School ID
Military ID
Proof of citizenship (Must be original – no copies)
Social security card
Birth Certificate
Non-discrimination policy
The University of Southern Mississippi offers students equal access to all educational and programmatic activities that the university sponsors. Students and employees participating in any University-sponsored program – including exchange programs, study abroad, cooperative learning experiences, field placement internships or student teaching – retain all rights and privileges in these off-campus experiences. Similarly, they also are responsible for all university codes of conduct, including consensual relationships, alcohol use, etc.
Employees and students who believe they are being treated differently in these settings because of age, race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability status may contact the USM Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity for assistance. This office may be contacted in the following ways:
Email the director at:
Call the office at: 601-266-6118
Visit our website at:
Stop by the office at: 310 McLemore Hall on the Hattiesburg campus
Handshake is our online career center database that allows you to search for all part-time employment needs such as on-campus jobs (wage and work-study), off-campus jobs, temporary jobs, and summer jobs.
Also, search Handshake for professional positions, cooperative education and intern opportunities. Through Handshake, you can post resumes in a profile to be viewed by employers, search the employer database, see upcoming career events, and view on-campus interview schedules.
Never logged in?
- Click the 'Access Handshake Here' link above
- Click the blue “The University of Southern Mississippi” button
For on campus access:
- A window will pop-up asking for your login information.
- Type “w” and your student ID number (example: w123456) and your SOAR password
OR For off campus access:
- Type first name.last name email (example: click next
- Then enter your SOAR password and click Sign in
You will need to approve your sign in request.
- Update your information in 'My Profile' by clicking on your initials in the top right corner of your profile
- Upload a current professional resume
- Handshake will automatically populate your education and work experience from your resume
- Add any organization/extracurricular, relevant courses, and projects to complete your profile
- Make your profile viewable by clicking 'Settings & Privacy' in the menu under your initials, then scroll down to 'Privacy' and select 'Employers' or 'Community'